1. The present Rules have been written in accordance with the Rules for Provision of Hotel Services in the Russian Federation, approved by Russian Federation Government Decree № 1085 dated October 9, 2015 and the Law of the Russian Federation № 2300-1 “On Protection of Consumer Rights” dated February 7, 1992.
2. The Hotel “Crystal House Suite Hotel & SPA” (hereinafter referred to as the “Hotel”) is owned by the Limited Liability Company “Torgovy Dom Kristall”.
3. The Hotel’s working hours: 24/7.
2.1 The Hotel shall have the right to conclude contracts with legal entities and natural persons for the hotel rooms booking as well as contracts for provision of hotel services.
2.2 The contract for provision of hotel services shall be concluded upon presentation by the Guest of his/her passport or another duly executed document identifying the Guest. When registering for accommodation in the Hotel the Guest shall put the signature on the registration card, while accommodation and reception administrator shall issue the guest registration card for the Guest for signature. It confirms the conclusion of a contract for provision of hotel services.
2.3 The Hotel room shall be provided to the Guest upon his/her presentation of a duly executed identification document, including:
the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, proving the identity of the citizen of the Russian Federation in the territory of the Russian Federation;
the passport of a citizen of the USSR, proving the identity of the citizen of the Russian Federation, before its replacement within the established time limit with the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
birth certificate – for a person who has not attained the age of 14;
a passport, proving the identity of the citizen of the Russian Federation outside the Russian Federation – for a person permanently residing outside the Russian Federation;
a passport of a foreign citizen or another document, established by the federal law, or recognized in accordance with an international agreement of the Russian Federation as the document proving the identity of a foreign citizen;
a document, issued by a foreign state and recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as the document proving the identity of a stateless person;
a temporary residence permit for a stateless person;
a residence permit for a stateless person.
2.4 When checking-in, each Guest must register at the accommodation and reception desk in accordance with article 5 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated June 25, 1993 No. 5242-1 “On the Right of the Citizens of the Russian Federation to the Freedom of Movement, to Choosing Their Place of Stay and Residence within the Boundaries of the Russian Federation”.
2.5 Upon check-in the Guest shall pay a deposit, which is money in the amount established by the corresponding price list, unless otherwise agreed by the parties when entering into the contract. The deposit in the amount of 5,000 rubles is a way to ensure payment of additional services by the consumer and damage caused to the Hotel. The Hotel administration shall deduct from the amount of the deposit the cost of additional services consumed by the Guest, as well as the amount of damage (if the damage was caused). At the check-out the unused amount of the deposit is refundable to the Guest. The Guest’s consent to payment of deposit is the signing of a contract (registration card) on the provision of hotel services.
2.6 The check-in time is 2 p.m. The check-out time is 12 p.m.
2.7 In case of early check-in of the Guest before check-in time or late check-out, payment for accommodation shall be charged in accordance with the following procedure:
in case of early check-in from 12 a.m. to 12 p.m., payment is charged at a rate of 50% of the room cost; from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. – for free, if there are vacant rooms;
in case of late check-out from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., payment is charged for half of the day; from 6 p.m. - payment for a full day.
Early check-in and/or late check-out are possible only in the presence of vacant rooms and for an extra fee.
In case of staying for a period of no more than one day (24 hours) a payment for one day is charged. The Hotel does not have hourly rates.
2.8 Accommodation of children under the age of 3 in the Hotel with the provision of the baby crib is free of charge, breakfast is free. Children at the age of 4-6 are accommodated free of charge, if not provided with an extra bedding. Extra bed – 1,500 rubles. The cost of additional breakfast is 50% of the open price. Children at the age of 7-12 are accommodated free of charge, if not provided with an extra bedding. Extra bed – 2,500 rubles. The cost of additional breakfast is 50% of the open price. Accommodation of children aged 13 shall be paid as for an adult guest, extra bed – 3,500 rubles. The cost of additional breakfast is 100% of the open price.
2.9 In the presence of vacant rooms, at the request of guests and by decision of the Hotel Administration, the Guest may be provided with a room of a higher category.
2.10 The booking shall be considered to be guaranteed in case of:
a 100% prepayment for the first day of stay in the Hotel room when booking is made not less than 24 hours before the date of check-in;
a 100% prepayment for the period of stay when booking is made according to the rates of special offers (according to the conditions specified when booking the room);
Methods of payment:
payment by cash or a bank card;
bank card pre-authorization;
by bank transfer.
Payment shall be made at least 24 hours prior to the date of check-in for bookings at open rates.
The Hotel shall have the right to cancel the booking unilaterally in case the room was not paid, sending a notice of cancellation to the email specified when booking.
In the guaranteed booking, the room is guaranteed for the Guest until 12 p.m. of the day following the day of the scheduled check-in. In case of late arrival or no-show, the Hotel will charge the Guest (or customer) the cost of accommodation indicated in the confirmation (notification) of the booking.
2.11 Booking made for the period of special events (indicated in the booking confirmation) must be 100% prepaid of the cost of accommodation. Payment shall be made within 1 business day from the date of receipt of the booking confirmation. Prepayments from companies for individual bookings shall be made within 3 business days from the date of receipt of the booking confirmation. Cancellation or change of booking is possible in agreement with the Sales Department, subject to the conditions of cancellation/change of booking at this rate. In case of late cancellation, the Hotel reserves the right to withhold the cost of prepayment. The cost of accommodation for the dates of special events is not refundable.
2.12 Payment for accommodation and additional services of the Hotel shall be made in the Russian rubles according to the price list, approved by the Hotel management. The Hotel accepts payment by credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, Union Pay, MIR.
2.13 The Hotel management determines the list of services included in the cost of accommodation. The services included are available for registered guests only.
2.14 The stay of visitors in the Hotel is allowed with the mutual consent of the Hotel Administration and the accommodated Guest. Stay of visitors in the room is allowed from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. If a visitor stays in the room after 11 p.m., the Hotel Administration reserves the right to issue an invoice to a visitor or the Guest staying in the room to pay for an extra bed.
2.15 The Hotel room is equipped with a metal box for documents storage. Since the box does not meet the requirements for burglary resistance and is not a safe, guests can use the safe-deposit box service at the reception and accommodation desk to store money of other valuables. The administration is not responsible for valuables and money left in the metal box.
3.1 The following persons are entitled to receive the services in the Hotel rooms free of turn:
Heroes of the Russian Federation and the Soviet Union, Full Cavaliers of the Orders of Glory;
persons disabled since childhood, disabled persons of group I and one person who accompanies them;
prosecutors, internal affairs officers, judicial officials, tax service employees and the State Courier Service officers (during performance of their duties);
military personnel, performing contractual military service, sent on a business trip, upon presentation of the business trip certificate (article 20 p. 6 of the Federal Law No. 76-FZ “On the Status of Military Personnel” dated May 27, 1998);
disabled persons and participants of the Great Patriotic War;
other categories of citizens who shall be entitled to receive the services in the Hotel free of turn in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
3.2 The Guest is obliged to:
observe accommodation rules and rules for payment for the Hotel and other services rendered; keep the place clean, take good care of the Hotel’s property, territory and equipment;
give compensation on first demand in case of loss and/or damage of the Hotel’s property in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. In case of damage, the Hotel shall have the right to write off the amount of damage from the deposit for additional services with the consent of the Guest. Damage to the Hotel is subject to compensation on the basis of the Indemnity Act. Damage caused is assessed on the basis of the “price list of damage to Hotel property”;
refrain from disturbing other Guests, staying in the Hotel, observe silence and keep order in the room, as well as the territory of the hotel; keep public order;
refrain from creating and prevent any emergency conditions concerning electric networks, water- and heat supply networks and other technological and engineering systems and equipment of the Hotel;
in case of diagnosing oneself with infectious disease or at suspicion on it, check-out immediately (article 33 of the Federal Law No. 52 “On Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of Population” dated March 30, 1999);
strictly observe the fire safety and electro-safety regulations, preventing fire spread;
timely and fully pay for local, national long-distance and international phone conversations, as well as for other additional services rendered by the Hotel, which are not included in the cost of the room. In case of the late payment by the Guest for such services, their provision discontinues until the indebtedness is discharged in full;
observe the Rules of accommodation with pets in the Hotel;
observe the Rules of visiting the SPA center, fitness studio, swimming pool;
turn off water taps, close windows, balcony door, turn off the light, TV and other electrical appliances as well as close the room when leaving the Hotel room;
effect a full payment for the billable services rendered, when checking-out from the Hotel, inform the receptionist from the reception and accommodation service of the Hotel about the check-out and hand over the key to the receptionist, present the room for check-out to the Hotel staff;
keep windows and doors closed while the air conditioner is on;
take responsibility for actions of visitors invited to the room. The number of visitors should not be more than 4 people for each room. When running special events, the number of invited guests shall be separately agreed with the Hotel Administration.
3.3 The Guests are forbidden to:
leave third parties (persons that are not a party to a hotel services agreement) in the room without the Guests registered in the room, as well as to hand them over a key from the room;
leave children unattended in the room;
store bulk items, flammable materials, weapon, chemical, radioactive, explosive substances and heavy metals;
bring any type of weapon into the Hotel;
storage and unauthorized use of pyrotechnic products is prohibited;
use heaters, if it is not provided in the hotel room, as well as install other household appliances without the consent of the Hotel Administration;
make changes in the technical equipment of the room without the consent of the Hotel Administration;
move TVs to other rooms without consent of the Hotel Administration;
break the silence at night time after 11 p.m.;
be in a state of strong alcoholic or drug intoxication, as well as drink alcohol in common areas (playgrounds, swimming pool);
cook on balconies, including the use of chargrills and other heating appliances;
throw garbage from balconies, as well as leave garbage bags in corridors;
bathe pets in the hotel bathrooms and use the hotel’s linen for pets;
install and store items and structures for personal use in the green area and in the common area;
stay in the Hotel with infectious disease or at suspicion on it;
make audio recording, photo-, film-, video-shooting without the consent of the Hotel Administration;
smoke tobacco or tobacco products in buildings and structures intended for the provision of Hotel services, other than at designated locations. In case of violation of this rule the Guest shall pay to the Hotel for the service of general cleaning of the room in accordance with the approved cost of the service in the amount of 10,000 rubles.
park vehicles outside the designated locations of the common area, in the driveways between the buildings of the Hotel, turning circles of fire engines and in dead ends;
The Guest knows and accepts that audio, photo and video security systems are installed in the territory and in buildings, premises of the Hotel (with the exception of guest rooms and bathrooms).
4.1 The Hotel shall ensure availability of the following information in a convenient place for viewing and, upon request, provide the guests with the rules for the provision of hotel services; price list of rooms; information about the work of the food facilities, communications, consumer services located in the Hotel.
4.2 When registering the Guests the Hotel shall inform them about basic and supplementary hotel services, form and procedure for their payment, as well as ensure provision to the accommodated persons of supplementary billable services in accordance with the approved price list.
4.3 The Hotel shall have the right to change the room or a place in the Hotel, provided to the Guest, and to demand immediate vacation of the premises previously occupied by the Guest, in case it was determined the need for carrying out urgent repairing works, sanitary and epidemiological measures and other works in the premises, occupied by the Guest, aimed at elimination of the causes creating a threat to life and health of the Guest, to environment and property or preventing from the normal (qualitative and safe) usage of the premises.
4.4 The Hotel Administration shall have the right to refuse from rendering accommodation and other services to the Guest and to evict the Guest from the Hotel in cases of violation of the present Rules, late or partial payment for accommodation and extra services rendered, displaying on the part of the Guest aggression against personnel and other guests, offensive behavior or if performing actions threatening security of health and property of other persons. At the end of the paid period of accommodation under the concluded contract for the provision of hotel services, belongings, left by the Guest in the room to be vacated, are placed by the Hotel for storage in the luggage storage or in other premises suitable for these purposes, with placing a payment obligation for their maintenance on the Guest. Placement of the belongings for storage shall be performed by the Hotel Administration in the presence of the Hotel’s security agency officers. The Guest shall be notified hereto, provided the Hotel Administration has the Guest’s contact information.
4.5 In case of major violation of the present Rules, rules of conduct or safety regulations by the Guest, the Hotel Administration shall have the right to refuse his/her further staying in the Hotel with compulsory drawing up of an act with regard to this incident and inviting law enforcement officers, if necessary.
4.6 The Hotel Administration shall not be liable for loss of valuables of the Guest in the room, if the Guest violates the rules of accommodation in the Hotel, as well as for valuables of the Guest left in the common areas. In case of finding the lost or left things, the Administration shall take measures for returning them to the owner.
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