Full name: Limited Liability Company “TORGOVY DOM KRISTALL”
Short name: LLC “TD KRISTALL”
Legal address: 4 Sergeeva Street, premises 21, Kaliningrad, 236040, Kaliningrad region
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 3906976936
OKATO (All-Russian Classifier of Administrative-Territorial Units): 24401368000
Reason for Registration Code (RRC) 390601001
Primary State Registration Number (PSRN) 1153926038056
General Director: M.N. Zvonok
Registration Certificate of the LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY “TORGOVY DOM KRISTALL” (4 Sergeeva Street, apt. 21, Kaliningrad, 236040, Kaliningrad region) № 1153926038056 dated February 02, 2015 года, issued by the Territorial Body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Kaliningrad region.
Certificate of assigning the Hotel “Crystal House Suite Hotel & SPA” the ***** category (five stars) No. 550012724 dated November 15, 2017, issued by the Accredited organization for classification of hotels and other places of accommodation LLC “Kaliningradsky Centr “Kachestvo” (“Kaliningrad Center “Quality”). Valid until November 14, 2020.
Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities No. ЮЭ9965-18-3667481 as of April 20, 2018.
Data on third parties providing paid services in the hotel ‘Crystal House Suite Hotel &SPA’
TIN: 3906976968
RRC: 390601001
PSRN: 1153926038100
OKPO (All-Russia Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations): 39611702
Settlement account: 40702810120000001854
BIC: 042748634
Correspondent account: 30101810100000000634
Legal address: 4 Sergeeva Street, premises 21, Kaliningrad, 236029, Kaliningrad region
General Director: Peredelsky K.Yu.
Legal address: 4 Sergeeva Street, premises 12, Kaliningrad, 236040, Kaliningrad region
TIN 3906976950
RRC 390601001
BIC: 042748634
Correspondent account: 30101810100000000634
e-mail: info@morionspa.ru
General Director: Konstantinova A.V.
Assessment of labor conditions
Payment method: by a bank card.
To select payment via a bank card on the corresponding web page, you should click “Payment of order by a bank card”.
Payment is made through PJSC SBERBANK using bank cards of the following payment systems:
The refund is made according to the chosen tariff rate to your bank account within 5-30 business days (the term depends on the issuing bank).
For payment (entering the details of your card) you will be redirected to the payment gateway JSCB SBERBANK. Connection with the payment gateway and transfer of information is carried out in secure mode using the SSL encryption protocol. If your bank supports the technology of secure Internet payments Verified By Visa or MasterCard SecureCode, you may also need to enter a special password for payment.
This website supports 256-bit encryption. Confidentiality of the transferred personal information is provided by JSCB SBERBANK. The entered information will not be disclosed to third parties except for the cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Payments with bank cards are made in strict accordance with the requirements of payment systems MIR, Visa Int. and MasterCard Europe Sprl.
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