CRYSTAL HOUSE SUITE HOTEL & SPA Friends Club is a loyalty program specially created for regular hotel guests, which allows you to receive discounts, additional privileges and bonuses for direct bookings at the hotel and on the website.
If you often come to Kaliningrad for work, like to have a rest in Kaliningrad with loved ones, you are just a connoisseur of comfortable rest and at the same time always choose CRYSTAL HOUSE SUITE HOTEL & SPA for living, then let's be friends!
In order to become a friend of our Hotel, simply register in your personal account on our website CRYSTALHOUSEHOTEL.RU.
From this moment we begin to be friends, and for friends - everything is only the best! Membership in the Club assumes that we can always offer you the best booking conditions. In addition, as a Friend of the hotel, when booking directly, from the first booking you are entitled to privileges and gifts.
For each category of rooms, we have prepared our own special privileges, these are always only the most necessary and important options that will be available for you complimentary, you can get acquainted with them in more detail on our website in the section ROOMS.
Status «Crystal» from the moment of registration in your personal account and until the 10th arrival, you are guaranteed to receive a set of complimentary services, the number of these services depends on the room category you have chosen.
Status «Sapphir» from the 10th to the 20th arrival discounts and gifts increase.
After the 20th arrival, you already become the best friend of the hotel, and these are even more pleasant bonuses and privileges: Special gift upon receiving the «Diamond» status. Individual conditions are discussed during a personal meeting over a cup of coffee.
We really want our guests to receive a personalized level of service, so that all your wishes and comments are always heard, we want to always be in touch and understand each other perfectly.
By joining the CRYSTAL HOUSE SUITE HOTEL & SPA Friends Club, you can personally appreciate the benefits of friendship with us, starting from the first arrival!
An evening where drive and taste meet! We have prepared the perfect combination: a juicy set of 5 courses, a rock concert, liqueurs. And also - a super draw! erid: 2W5zFK71Zyr