Отель Crystal House - Suite Hotel and SPA
ул. Сергеева, 4
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Laundry and cleaning services

Услуги прачечной и химчистки
For your comfortable stay, we offer high quality professional dry cleaning, laundry, ironing with a quality guarantee and unsurpassed service.

If you want to use the services of dry cleaning and laundry, you need to leave your things in the room, our staff will pick them up during room cleaning, packages and forms for filling are in the closet. Fill out the attached form and place it in a plastic bag with your clothes.

For an urgent order of laundry services, please contact the Hotel Reception and Accommodation Service.

  • Reception Service Hours: 24/7
  • Opening hours of the laundry and dry cleaning service: 08:00 to 20:00.
  • Phone: +7 (4012) 692-600
  • Email: info@crystalhousehotel.ru

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of the hotel Crystal House
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